Embedded Microcontroller Future Simplify


As a kid, I always dreamed of becoming an Air Force. I watched old World War II movies and it made me wanted to fly. I used a cardboard box to build an airplane and pretended that I was flying in the sky. The World War II movies were really fascinating to me. Unfortunately, it did not turn out what I expected when I grew up.

In my college years, I built many “Digital Computer and Analog” circuits with relays, switches, transistors, timers, sensors devices, and logic gates as a hobby. As I recall, a Random Number Generator took two nand-gates and one decade counter chips and Electronic Wake-up Call took one LDR (Light-defendant resistor) two transistors, one 555-timer, one speaker, couple of diodes, capacitors, and resistors. Today, you can get started exploring computer electronics more easily.


For more than thirty years, technology has been changed significantly. Today, Embedded Microcontroller Module helps engineers and hobbyists to develop variety of products in a matter of weeks, saving time and cost. These changes could not be achieved without a growing of software development Embedded Compilers such as Basic and C/C++ compilers. However, some manufacture still prefer their engineers to use Assembly Language Coding for their developing projects.

In recent year, I discovered more and more Embedded Microcontroller Development Kits full load with I/O connection for serial, I2C, SPI, CAN, PWM, 8 to 12 Bits A/D converter, USB, and Ethernet ports as well as for analog I/O signals. The embedded module includes LEDs, Keypad, LCD, and Temperature Device, that can be controlled under software.  There are many variety of Embedded Compilers in the market from Basic to C/C++ that come with extensive librabries. The libraries simplify writing code quicker and easier. The extensive documentation provides examples of how to use library functions.

If you are looking for low cost embedded compilers and tools, check out these websites below.



Reynolds Electronics



Gravitech Electronic Experimental Solutions

Hangzhou KinCony Electronics (Hificat.com)

Electronic Projects (PJRC)





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