!!!!!! Read This Note !!!!!!                                                             

The following electronics schematic projects provided as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind. You can modify any way you want to suit your applications. The user assume

the entire risk as to the use of these projects.


Happy building electronic projects!!


General Electronic Projects

  1. 555 Monostable
  2. 4017 Decoded Counter
  3. 4026 Decade Counter
  4. Simple Electronic Die
  5. Advance Electronic Die
  6. Light Sensor
  7. Security Access
  8. Security Monitor

Microcontroller Projects

  1. ATmega32 Water Pump   (Watch YouTube Video)
  2. LM35 Temperature Sensor   (Watch YouTube Video)
  3. Temperature Controller    (Watch YouTube Video)
  4. Wireless LEDs Controller (Transmitter Circuit)   (Watch YouTube Video)
  5. Wireless LEDs Controller (Receiver Circuit)
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